your wedding ceremony is as unique as you are.

There is no ‘right’ way to do a wedding. We work together to craft a one-of-a-kind day that reflects who you are as a couple. The following are only guidelines to get you started and to give us a framework for designing your unique ceremony. Your ceremony will be around 20-30 minutes, depending on the structure and addition of symbolic elements.  


Common Ceremony Elements

Welcome Officiant

Couples Story Officiant

Reflections/Message Officiant

The ‘I Do’ Officiant + Bride/Groom

Vows Officiant + Bride/Groom

Rings Officiant + Bride/Groom

Prayer/Blessing Officiant 


Common symbolic elements

Scripture Readings

Special Music

Unity Candle


There are countless other ways to symbolize the love you share as a couple and include that in your wedding. We will work together to make each element meaningful. Any of these elements can be carried out by the officiant or a special guest.